This essence restores self-confidence to those who feel they lack the ability to fulfill certain tasks, speak out or make attempts at achievement. They expect failure and doubt they will ever become successful. Consequently they do not try and so may miss out on many opportunities.
This essence helps those who have suffered some misfortune or undeserved treatment and have become resentful or bitter. They dwell on the outcome and find it hard to accept. They then become introspective and feel sorry for themselves- something we all do from time to time if we are honest! They find it hard to shake off their negativity and so no longer take and interest in the life they previously enjoyed.
Sweet Chestnut
This essence is for those who feel they have reached the end of their endurance and cannot see an end to their suffering and pain. They see no light at the end of the tunnel and life no longer seems worthwhile. They feel utterly dejected and heartbroken and may sob with desperation. This essence helps lift the sadness so the light reappears, restoring hope and replacing the anguish with belief in some future happiness.
Star of Bethlehem
This is the essence for those who have suffered shock- the distress of bad news or of an accident. This essence comforts and helps in time of sorrow.
This essence is for guilt- for those who carry a burden of guilt about something awful they believe they have done, or which they feel has been their fault. They often take the blame for the mistakes of others and frequently apologize. Sometimes they may even feel guilty for living. This emotion can be extremely destructive as the person tries to keep their guilty feelings a secret, burying it deep inside where it festers and begins to grow out of proportion. Pine helps the person to realize that they are not to blame, that others make mistakes too, and so helps then release the heavy burden of accumulated guilt and shame.
The oak essence is for those who are brave and do not give in to adversity. Even when ill, they fight on as long as they can, trying one treatment after another in their quest for health. They become discontented and unhappy if their illness or incapacity interferes with their natural desire to get on with their life, to do the things they want to do, or to be of help to others. The essence is needed when such people are so prevented, to help relieve the dissatisfaction it causes. It may be that their capacity is caused by overwork- a common occurrence with oak people because their natural reaction would be to ignore their body’s call for rest. In such cases, the essence would help to restore their strength.
The people who need this essence are those who are normally confident and capable but when faced with an unusual amount of responsibility or pressure, begin to lose their confidence or feel depressed because they are unable to cope. Elm restores the faith these people had in themselves.
Crab Apple
Crab Apple is the remedy for those who feel unclean and suffer from a poor self-image. It is a cleansing essence for mind and body.